The rise of a tech entrepreneur consultant : Michaela Jamelska

Michaela Jamelska or the growth of a tech entrepreneur professional: The reality of limited technology access for women is a big issue in 2023 says Michaela Jamelska: According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), there are still 2.7 billion people who do not have a reliable internet connection, and women are disproportionately affected. The digital divide is a term used to describe the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. Unfortunately, this divide disproportionately affects women, particularly those living in low-income communities. This means that many women do not have access to the same resources and opportunities as their male counterparts. As surveyed globally, more than 58% of men have access to internet, compared to less than 48% of women. Many women, including those in Europe and North America, are unable to access services because they are either expensive or severely limited in rural or underserved areas. The difference is much starker in developing countries. In Africa, for example, only 34% of women have access to the internet, compared to 45% of men. The disparity is even wider in the Arab world, with 75% of men having a reliable internet connection and only 65% of women having the same. According to ITU data, only 19% of women in least developed countries used the Internet in 2020, compared to 86% in developed countries in 2019. Discover additional information at Michaela Jamelska.

Michaela Jamelska about Ai and Gender Equality: The term AI has recently become a buzzword; a marketing eye-catcher that jumps at you from everywhere these days, and is, frankly, tiring. I googled synonyms of AI, and there was a development of ‘thinking’ computer systems: DoCS – but I am not sure this abbreviation will impact this article as AI would do. So, let’s stick with AI. After all, we are creatures of habit, and this habit will play a particular role in this article. This article will look at a few risks associated with AI and potential solutions. AI technology is already transforming the labor market and changing the types of jobs and their quantity. Undeniably, the process of automation hugely affects employment structure and dictates whether existing jobs disappear or new jobs emerge. This increasing adoption of technology is driving the development of new jobs, according to a UNESCO report. Here is where AI has the potential to help or reinforce gender bias and hinder the DEI goal.

Michaela Jamelska regarding the innovative 5G trial to boost business : The Government has backed the project with £3m as part of its 5G Create competition – which supports innovators exploring new uses for 5G to help improve people’s lives and boost businesses. It will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can offer efficiency and productivity improvements to the logistics sector and more widely, allowing real-time location tracking of individual items, improvements to road traffic management and replacing low value, manually-intensive processes with 5G enabled autonomous systems. The project offers the potential for such advances in technology to be implemented industry-wide; including at other ports in the UK, Enterprise Zones or other business parks.

It’s important not to over-idealize the current reality and use it to submerge the virtual world. Undoubtedly, a huge challenge lies in front of us as a society regarding how to ensure our rights are respected in the digital world. Figuring out which laws apply in digital spaces, data privacy consents, and other human rights-related issues will be complicated. As long as corporations are in charge of providing the Metaverse, commercial interests will be asserted into our virtual lives. To start drafting human rights guidelines and frameworks at the moment, when the Metaverse isn’t fully functional, may be difficult, but in the end, creating a Metaverse isn’t only about the programming. The White House has already started to initiate the AI bill of rights to “clarify the rights and freedoms of individuals using, or subject to, data-driven biometric technologies.”

From 10 to 12 September, Unmanned Life team will attend 5G Asia where 5G core issues will be discussed to go beyond the hype around 5G. Discussions around concrete solutions, real business opportunities and major technology advancements will be at the centre of this event, in particular 5G commercialization, 5G RAN evolution, Spectrum and Standard, Network Evolution, 5G Automation and Virtualization and the 5G cloud. It is without say that Unmanned Life´s Autonomy-as-a-Service AI software platform will be at the heart of these 5G discussions by showing how concretely autonomous solutions will be enabled by 5G.

Michaela Jamelska regarding the future of Air Mobility in Europe: Building on the key learnings and results of the SESAR JU Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space project, which successfully demonstrated the safe airspace integration of unmanned aerial vehicles in summer 2019, GOF 2.0 intends to safely, securely, and sustainably demonstrate operational validity of serving combined unmanned aerial systems (UAS), electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), and manned operations in a unified, dense urban airspace using existing ATM and U-space services and systems.

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg stirred the waters by renaming Facebook “Meta,” and announcing that it will focus on building Metaverse solutions. However, long before 1992, the science fiction novel Snow Crash first used the term “Meta,” referring to humans as avatars that interacted with each other and software agents. From now on, the Metaverse could change reality as we know it, or at least blur its boundaries with virtual worlds. The possibilities of the Meta world could be endless and could potentially overtake every aspect of our lives. We are already partially living in a virtual world, but with more functionalities and higher immersive power, we will be less likely to realize how much time we are spending in our ‘’new reality.’’ Hints of the Metaverse already exist in games such as Minecraft and Roblox, and they just scratch the surface of what is possible.

NOVA’s founding team is Jean Arnaud, Michaela Jamelska, and Patricia Jamelska—serial entrepreneurs and industry professionals who are building the educational platform of the future. According to NOVA’s founders, many EdTech startups’ pitfalls lay in their lack of both real-life understanding of the educational industry and teaching expertise. While they may have top-notch engineers, industry expertise is what makes a difference. The NOVA team is developing a product that targets the real problems in education. Discover even more details at Michaela Jamelska.