Roof replacement contractors from Michael Journet Maine today

Roof maintenance services by Michael Journet Maine 2023: Compared to asphalt shingles, metal is a much more durable alternative. Because of this, it is the far more longer lasting of the two for residential applications. The homeowners that decide to invest in a metal roof are far less likely to ever have to think about re-roofing their homes. What’s the reason for this? Well, metal roofs are capable of lasting anywhere from 2 to 3 times longer than roofs made of asphalt. There are even higher-end metal roofs made up of Kynar 500 coated metal that have a 50 to 60-year lifespan. Whereas, a roof made up of either copper or zinc is capable of lasting a whopping 100 years. Find more info roofing contractors Maine.

Maintain Your Chimney: If you notice cracked or missing mortar on/in your chimney, ensure you replace this as soon as possible. This is critical since the mortar holds the chimney bricks in place, and if any brick falls out, it could cause damage to your roof. Prevent Ice Dam Formation: Ice dams may be pretty to look at, but they spell doom for your roof as they build-up, and repairing roof damage from ice dams is costly and intensive. Ensure you take steps to insulate your house and roof to keep your roof cool and at the same temperature as the external environment. This will keep snow closest to the roof from melting into water, and freezing onto the colder parts of your roof.

If there are any large issues with your home project, take a few days, and do your homework. We were told early on that we couldn’t have a gas stove in our home and designed the house accordingly. Once the project was completed, we found out that our neighbors on all three sides had gas stoves and the functionality was clearly available for our street. Don’t blindly trust when someone tells you that something can’t be done or that this is “the best price available” – do your homework.

Excellent roof replacement contractors from Michael Journet Maine: Flashings are pieces of metal (or other material) that are placed where your roof meets a vertical surface such as a chimney. These flashings are used to prevent leaks by diverting water from the space created by the intersection of the two surfaces. Many times the flashing can be dislodged or damaged by harsh weather conditions and this can cause water to seep into places unseen. Call us now to identify and fix flashing issues. Leaks that are not in the roof – Sometimes you can have a leak in the ceiling that is not coming from a roof issue. Attics can be a source of water stains on your ceiling. That’s because attics get very hot and moisture will condense in certain areas causing standing water. Often, air handlers are installed in the attic, and if your pan overflows or you have other A/C problems, this can also mimic a leak coming from your roof. We can identify what the source of the water is. Discover extra details at Michael Journet Maine.

Removing original period windows and exterior doors can destroy a period property’s character, and its value, unless they are sympathetically replaced. Authentic replicas are expensive, so always consider repair as a first option. Cheaper, off-the shelf joinery is rarely appropriate and is unlikely to fit the original openings and so will look wrong. If the original external joinery has already been removed, research neighbouring properties or books to find appropriate styles. Avoid modern hybrid products, such as front doors with built-in fanlights. Try and observe the techniques and materials used in the building’s original construction and try and repair, or replace, on a like-for-like basis. Internally, try and preserve original doors, floorboards, fireplaces and plaster mouldings if they are still intact.

As the days start to get warmer, trim back any overgrown trees or bushes that could be crowding the draining of your house. This will keep water away from your foundation. While unclogging your gutters yourself is a viable option, if you notice mold or algae during your spring roof inspection, make sure you call a professional. They have special equipment that can clean your shingles without damaging them, as well as biodegradable cleaning solutions that can help prevent mold growth.

Top rated roof maintenance services by Michael Journet Maine: While concrete roofing tiles are a fairly durable roofing option, the underlayment is not. On average, your concrete roofing tiles will last up to 50 years, while the underlayment will only last about 20 years. This means you will have to go through replacing this layer every-so-often, which adds to the maintenance and cost of concrete tile roofing. The process of replacing the underlayment of your roof can also be rather tedious and time-consuming and keep you from working on other projects in and around your home.