High quality apartment real estate experts Turkey

Real estate property experts Istanbul, Turkey in 2023: Sometimes, there are offers for commercial properties as a form of change without clarifying that this type of investment is suitable only in the long term. Furthermore, the continuous devaluation of the Turkish lira makes long-term lease contracts a diminishing source of investment, even if they start with attractive figures like 7%, they will end after five years with a return that does not exceed 2%. We do not recommend these types of investments, as there are certainly better options in the market. However, we must clarify the reality behind these presented offers. Sometimes, there are offers for pre-owned apartments or even villas at prices lower than the prices of new properties. These opportunities may be suitable only for those who seek permanent residence, and their percentage among foreigners who own properties in Turkey does not exceed 2%. As for investment, even if you furnish them anew and achieve an initially impressive return of 8%, this return will be eroded over time due to the depreciation of the Turkish lira against the dollar. The greater disaster is your inability to resell your property later when you want to end your investment. See additional details on https://righthome.com.tr/en/publisher/Mehmet-Hekimo%C4%9Flu.

Tips related to types of investment properties: Residential apartments typically have shorter investment cycles compared to commercial units. It’s not always a good idea to invest in a commercial unit in a project under construction with the intent to sell upon completion, but this strategy can work for residential apartments within the same project. Commercial units usually require less time to reach their peak price, making it easier for investors to exit their investments. However, villas are generally not considered for investment, unless they provide a high rental yield initially and the investor is willing to wait for a specific buyer interested in that particular villa.

Flexibility is required when you come across a property that suits you almost perfectly but is slightly above your budget. Also, if your plan is to sell a property you bought three years ago this year, but the market is suffering from inflation and stagnation this year, selling your property despite that will result in the loss of your profits or a significant portion of them. Thus, the time of stagnation is a time for buying new properties at reduced prices or waiting, and it is never the right time to sell your property.

There are many real estate companies that are working to provide quality in all its services for those wishing to buy property in Turkey, which is working to strengthen the sources of information and you can inquire about these companies at the investment section of your embassy in Turkey to make sure that the company is good. Unfortunately, many people believe that there are cheap properties in Istanbul. This is not true. There are no cheap properties in Istanbul. We can call them lower quality properties. Many real estate companies that are interested in selling only are responsible for marketing this Illusion to its customers in order to increase sales only.

Turkey’s 2023 vision plan aims to increase the capita per household to that of European countries. Combine this with government incentives, as well as a growing population and the buyers’ market is set to grow even more. The process of buying a house in Turkey even for foreigners is also quicker and easier than that of many other countries, with cheap taxes and reduced costs. Keep the property for five years, and you will be exempt from capital gains tax as well. One strong reason investing in Istanbul real estate is taking off is the mass of new branded housing projects, particularly occurring on the outskirts of the main city centre. Brand new modern homes with modern architecture are being combined with a range of social and community facilities to redefine the concept of neighbourhoods in what is Turkey’s biggest and most populated city.

Istanbul travel is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. A short walk down the street takes you to the Grand Bazaar for the most exciting shopping experience you’ll ever have. There are more than 5,000 shops in the Grand Bazaar covering 60 streets. It was an important trading center dating back to the 15th century. I can only imagine how it once was with traders coming in from Asia and Africa bringing their exotic items for merchants to peruse from Europe. Spend a day losing yourself in the giant labyrinth that houses Mosques, hammams, cafes, and jewelry stalls.

Many clients have their first goal in obtaining Turkish citizenship, and for the amount of $ 250.000, they do not give much importance to the real estate that will be purchased in it, and this is in fact a big mistake because Turkish citizenship is free and this amount is a condition for obtaining it, but through which a very profitable investment can be made, many clients of Right Home, after they were consulted for real estate suitable for Turkish citizenship and investment at the same time, they later consolidated their investments in Istanbul even after obtaining Turkish citizenship because the real estate market in Istanbul is a profitable market for investors in any case, provided that investment projects and the right options are chosen within these projects.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish. The perfect place to witness the trace of emperors in Istanbul is Hagia Sophia. It was built in 537 AD, the impressive building first served as an Orthodox church, but after the Ottoman invasion, it was turned into a mosque in 1453. In the 20th century, the government decided to secularize Hagia Sophia and declare this historic building as a museum. It was first opened on February 1, 1935. The highlight of this Istanbul landmark is the massive dome. With 102 feet in diameter and 184 feet in height, the dome of Hagia Sophia is considered as the marvel of architecture in that timeline.

Right Home has been distinguished since its establishment by its special attention to customers, especially after completing the deal with the client, as after-sales services extend to several years, regardless of the size of the property that the customer acquired. At a time when we daily see dozens of customers who do not find after sales services, this exists in Right Home company, regardless of the size of the deal they made with other companies. See more details on https://righthome.com.tr/en/home.